Our Events

Our Events

Environmental Day

Together day we can save the earth; environment day is most renowned day for environment action. Climate change is something very real and happening, our school celebrates every year 5th June to create awareness and necessary to love the nature and nourish it for the coming generations.

Independence Day

Liberty is process where every citizen exercises their right to choose what every individual explore their potentialities without any hindrance. It’s a day to remember the great souls who scarified their lives to get our freedom. And make every child aware of the democratic values, especially fundamental rights and duties.

School Annual Day Celebration

Every school prepares hard, every student and teachers long for the day, to explore and excel in themselves. With great grandeur we celebrate, inviting great personalities to inspire our students to grow in the various fields as the desire.

Children’s Day

Every being is a special and unique gift of almighty; children’s day is celebrated to understand and appreciate and accept them as they are. They are boosted, helped, encouraged and appreciated.


Unity in diversity is one of the core objectives of our school, where every festival is celebrated to give equal importance to every community. It’s a platform to create that every religion is honored and respected with great heights. Gifts are exchanged between students, teachers and managements to show joy and happiness to each other.

World Yoga Day

Yoga is an invaluable and incredible gift of India’s ancient tradition to the entire world; the world is in need of Yoga, amidst the stress and strains of present world. Yoga is the need of an hour and it is best way to balance life smoothly. International yoga day is celebrated at 21st June every year in St Ann’s school by the teachers and students with great enthusiasm and zeal.

Sports Week

Sports day, it’s a chance for our children to showcase their sporting prowess, learn important lessons about competition and enjoy a happy, healthy dose of fresh air in the company of friends, teachers and parents. Every year, our school celebrate sports week in the month of August as national sports day falls on the same month.

Republic Day

Republic day is celebrated on 26th January with fervor and pride across Indian. On this day, the constitution of India came into effect. It marks the day when India got truly Independent day when India got truly independent and attained the historic Purna Swaraj.

Teacher’s Day

A Teacher plants the seeds of knowledge, sprinkles them with love and patiently nurtures their growth to produce tomorrow’s dreams…. Teachers day is celebrated t appreciate and acknowledge the sincere efforts and hard work of teachers in making sophisticated and responsible individuals. Teachers are the torch bearer of truth and education, students and managements acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of every teacher.